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コメント (4)


Sorry for commenting in English. I can't use this level of Japanese (涙)

Thanks for writing about this again! I think that I was able to understand most of your explanation of the book - it was good study.

I'm probably an extreme relativist, more exactly a social constructivist (?) 社会構築主義. My approach is that not only is everyone's thought based on their own relative framework but that the framework itself is constantly being re-created through interaction with other people. All knowledge is created through social interaction. Everything is relative so there is no solid framework to cling to except the one we learn and create in our exchanges with other people.

Lots of foreign language teachers are social constructivists - influenced by the educational psychology of Lev Vygotsky. So, my thinking is probably just a product of my background!

Maybe humility is an important virtue for relativists to learn. Even as we try to understand reality we realize that much of what we think or believe might be wrong. Being open to other peoples' ideas and understanding of the world is important. So, in my view trying to come to a deeper understanding of the world depends on interacting with others - none of us being sure of what's right - a sometimes difficult but at other times joyful process.


コメントありがとうございます。 ……あれ、私の知ってるRubenさんですよね?(笑

Recently I do not use the term "relativism," because it has been widely misunderstood, and there seems to be a more suitable term for open-mindness and humility: fallibilism.
When we discuss in the field like anthropology, sociology, or social philosophy, fallibilism should be a useful concept. No truth is finally true: this kind of attitude is, as you said, the first step to understand others.

On the other hand, I think relativism as a philosophical concept is still important. As we see in the book, relativism is the name of unceasing movement of slipping down from (pseudo-)bases of truth/framework.
How do we know there are different frameworks? If we can identify the framework next to ours and understand that it is different from ours, doesn't it mean that the framework shares a lot with ours? Can we call such kind of framework DIFFERENT? On the contrary, if the framework is totally different from ours, can we even be aware of it?
One answer can be like this: when we conceive other framework(say framework A), we are already slipping down from the framework we were in (say framework B), and compare A with B from where we are now (say framework C). Surely we will next slip down from C to D and D to E and E to...
This way of discussion appears to be interesting as it leads to such inquiries like: How do we know translation is accurate? how do we acquire the language we don't know?

Well I have to stop now as I am slipping out of the point...


たまに、隣に飲むRubenでございます。(笑)Thanks for the reply!



ていうかsorry, my last comment was terrible!
I meant that the essence of unceasing relativist movement is/should be to transcend borders such as personal belief, framework of thinking, culture, and so on. So I feel that it can be applied to various fields like linguistic studies, cultural and social studies.



2009年05月22日 23:58に投稿されたエントリーのページです。




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